Morph Spell (courtyard)
Morph Spell (courtyard)
Strips of vinyl collaged on windows
"Morph Spell (courtyard)" is an installation of 8 morphing sequences which stretch the length of one city block, installed in the windows of the Green Hallway at Tyler School of Art and Architecture. Depending on your body's orientation, certain shapes hug the outside edges of parts of buildings and plants. Most shapes serve as in-between blobs that connect two different visual elements in the courtyard, while others convey either collapse or growth, depending on the direction you are traveling down the hallway. While making these shapes on-site (it is made of straight strips of vinyl, directly collaged onto the windows), I was reflecting on the sense that this courtyard is secure, made of solid infrastructure. It feels safe and static. Yet, it is fully engaged in transformation: the changing states of plants and soil through the seasons, the gradual weathering on the building and wooden tables, the force of gravity on everything. I was also thinking about the ease with which any building can collapse and any landscape be completely transformed by destruction, specifically regarding the contemporaneous bombings in Palestine and Lebanon funded by the US. It's a spell to perceive our own limited, shifting perspective of any place outside ourselves.
"Morph Spell (courtyard)" was installed for "Sculpture Forever", curated by Karyn Olivier, at Tyler School of Art and Architecture in Philadelphia