collaborations > 132 Calls

132 Calls
Drawn animation, online series
132 Calls: Part 1
Drawn animation, online series
132 Calls: Part 2
Drawn animation, online series
132 Calls: Part 3
Drawn animation, online series

132 Calls
Drawn animation, online series

132 Calls is a 3-part animation series which tells Cassandra Greer-Lee's story about her husband Nickolas, who died of COVID-19 at Cook County Jail. Ruby T and I created the drawn animations.

From the 132 Calls website:

Cassandra Greer-Lee did everything she could. Called 132 times for help. It still wasn’t enough to save her husband Nickolas. And since his death, the number of people in the jail has increased to nearly pre-pandemic numbers. COVID-19 hasn’t stopped the cruelty.

132 Calls was covered in Teen Vogue in December 2020, you can read the article here.

132 Calls was a collaboration between Cassandra Greer-Lee and The Confined Arts, Chicago Community Bond Fund, Definition Theatre, Zealous, & Make Yourself Useful.