art > Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle
Drawn and stop-motion animation, menstrual blood on transparencies
30 seconds looped
Menstrual Cycle
Drawn and stop-motion animation, menstrual blood on transparencies
30 seconds looped
Menstrual Cycle
Drawn and stop-motion animation, menstrual blood on transparencies
30 seconds looped

Drawn and stop-motion animation, menstrual blood on transparencies
30 seconds looped

Menstrual Cycle is an animated loop of a cartoon flower furiously stomping around the US Supreme Court building. Each frame was painted with my menstrual blood on transparencies, and the background imagery was photographed in person in Washington, DC. My rage about the overturning of Roe v Wade feels cartoonish and justified; I want to bleed on it all.

Menstrual Cycle was created for the exhibition "For Those Without Choice" at Weinberg/Newton gallery.